Ross Museum and The Whitewater Historical Society

Volunteers needed at Ross Museum to assist those committed to the St Aidan's restoration project.

About Ross Museum

Ross Museum was established in 1995 and is operated by volunteers. New members are welcome and are essential to continuing the preservation and collection of history within the Whitewater Region.

About The Whitewater Historical Society

Ross Museum is the main focus of the Whitewater Historical Society. The society was established in 1985 to promote and preserve local history, and collections were in safe keeping until the museum received the donation of the Ross House, a replica of an early 1800's home. The museum was opened to the public in 1995 and now has five buildings which house the collection. The most recent acquisition, St Aidans Church, has been restored but still requires some helpers to replace some of the brick work.


The Whitewater Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the following institutions:

Ontario Trillium Foundation logo

Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. With $100 million in annual funding from the province’s charitable gaming initiative, the Foundation provides grants to eligable charitable and not-for-profit organizations in the arts, culture, sport, recreation, environment and social service sectors.

Ministry of Culture of Ontario through the Heritage Development Grant.


Ross Museum content in the Virtual Museum of Canada
The Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC) showcases a rich collection of high-quality heritage content online, bringing together in innovative and dynamic ways the stories and treasures entrusted to Canadian museums.

Community Memories These local history exhibits are created by community museums and provide a glimpse into what Canadians have in common and what makes us unique. The following Community Memories exhibits were contributed by Ross Museum:

Plowing A Furrow To Victory This exhibit documents the history of plows, focussing on one plow in particular, the "Fleury #53 Scotch Thistle" walking plow, which was donated to the Ross Museum in 1999. Also told is the story of a young man, Harris S. Brown, from Westmeath Township, Ontario, Canada, who in 1896 and 1900, used this plow with his team of horses to win prizes at two major plowing matches. The importance of horses in pioneer days, as well as the capabilities and care of horses and work done by horsepower, is emphasized throughout this exhibit.